
Types of SEO: On Page, Off Page, Local & More

Types of SEO

No matter how long you’ve been working in search engine optimization, or SEO, there’s always room to refresh your knowledge about all the different types of SEO out there. Learning these different types of SEO will help you and your business develop a well-rounded organic search strategy.

Check out this guide to different types of SEO, including resources to learn more about each type.

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The Different Types of SEO

At a high level, there are five different types of SEO to learn about in order to optimize your website thoroughly:

  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO
  3. Local SEO
  4. International SEO
  5. Technical SEO

Memorize these five types now; there’s going to be a quiz! No, not really, but to learn more about each type, read on!

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is about optimizing every aspect of your website (onthepagesof your site, get it?). This applies to every element on the pages of your site that you can control, from keyword research and optimization to content strategy and metadata.

Tooptimize on-page SEO, be sure to focus on infusing relevant keywords into your title tags, make sure your content is high quality and helpful for users, use header tags to organize your content, optimize images and utilize alt text, and include a Call to Action (CTA) to help your readers understand what to do next.

On-Page SEO Resources:

Here’s a list of relevant articles from Seer to check out to learn more about all things on-page SEO:

What is Off-Page SEO?

Just like on-page SEO refers to everything you can control on your site, off-page refers to everythingoffof yoursite.线下SEO的目的是增加你坐下e’s authority in the eyes of both users and search engine crawlers by building exposure and awareness for your brand.

Off-page SEO strategies are all about link building, specifically finding ways to acquire relevant links from trusted sources and bring qualified traffic to your site. Backlinks signal to Google that your site is a source that others want to reference.

Off-Page SEO Resources:

Here’s a list of relevant articles from Seer to check out to learn more about all things off-page SEO:

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is how to optimize a local business’ SEO presence. If you were to search for “car wash” on your phone today in Philadelphia, you wouldn’t expect to see car wash results in Florida, right? That’s what local SEO does -- help local businesses connect with users in their area.

Local SEO is all about creating and optimizing a Google My Business listing, making sure the business Name, Address, and Phone Number (aka NAP) is consistent across websites and social platforms, and keeping your site updated with relevant, helpful, and clear content for users.

Local SEO Resources:

Here’s a list of relevant articles from Seer to check out to learn more about all things local SEO:

What is International SEO?

Moz’s definition of international SEO is:the process of optimizing your website so that search engines can easily identify which countries you want to target and which languages you use for business. Essentially, if you know that many visitors to your site live in a different country and/or speak a different language than you, there are ways to tweak your site to make these users’ experiences better.

Common strategies for optimizing international SEO include setting up an international SEO-friendly URL structure, creating a separate website for each country, using hreflang tags to signify the language that content is in, and creating content in the language of the user you’re trying to optimize for.

International SEO Resources:

Here’s a list of relevant articles from around the web to check out to learn more about all things international SEO:

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is all about what search engine crawlers see when they visit your website. This includes the backend structure and foundation of a site, and a good technical SEO strategy works on making a site more readable for these crawlers.

Technical SEO strategies include improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, auditing and adjusting site architecture, implementing structured data when relevant, and keeping an eye on the crawlability of your site.

Technical SEO Resources:

Here’s a list of relevant articles from Seer to check out to learn more about all things technical SEO:

Learn More About All Things SEO

Now you know about the major types of SEO -- can you name them? I told you there’d be a quiz!Dive into learning more about the areas you’re less familiar with in order to make yourself and your business the best and most well-rounded as possible. Go forth and optimize:

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